—Sizzling News —Toeing the Line —End of the Year Giving —Merry Christmas! SIZZLING NEWS!!! Unless you live in an area where you receive lots of sunshine and warm weather or whether you are in freezing cold your heart will be warmed by this sizzling news. “Romania Is On Fire” … well, LIFE Romania Director Iulian Avramescu and his team are on fire. They have an outreach ministry called Sports Tournaments where they go to towns and churches who have sent their youth to the summer youth camps using sports to bring these young people with their friends. The results are sizzling hot! Two or three times a month on weekends, Iulian presents a message to share that God loves his fellow Romanians and that He sent His Son to die for them and their sins. 32 came to Christ in one month alone. Recently, the LIFE Romania team held a new event giving away Christmas presents to Gypsy young people partnering with a church plant that primarily focuses on the Gypsy population. Would you believe that 100 of them trusted Christ? Now, that’s “sizzling news”. Keep up the good work, Iulian and Roxana, and their staff. TOEING THE LINE What on Earth could this be about? Poor Stephanie’s toe found a suitcase during the middle of the night right before we were to travel to Costa Rica in November where I was scheduled to teach in a Bible Institute for three weeks. Yep! Broken toe! After seeing the x-ray myself I could see that she really broke it. That hurt so, so bad. No, we did not make the trip because of this. The director of the school usually teaches the Book of Hebrews that I was supposed to teach. So, he pulled his notes out allowing us to remain in Florida so Stephanie could stay off her feet. This allowed me to have some quality study time during November. The other day Stephanie went back to the doctor who told her after looking at another x-ray that not only did she break her toe, but, she tore her ligament as well. In fact, he told her that she has another 6 weeks to heal adding to the seven weeks that have already passed. Of course, he added to the sting telling her that twenty somethings can heal in five or six weeks total … that she needs extra time. Thanks, Doctor. Ouch! END OF THE YEAR GIVING Our mission account is presently in the “red”. Red is one of the favorite colors at Christmas, but, it has an ominous meaning for ministry finances limiting what we can do in our planning for the next year. Although “black” is not a special color at Christmas time it is a color that our accountant uses to denote that our account needs to have a “plus” figure rather than a “minus” figure [red]. Would you be so kind to consider giving a special donation for the Murphy Mission Account? We are about $6,800 in the “red” or minus. Your generous gift would be welcomed with gratitude. In advance, thank you so very much for all that you do. Life Impact For Eternity 3984 Manatee Avenue East Bradenton FL 34208 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Our first Christmas together … we are SO excited! Hey, we did not even meet in person until February 18. So, we are so excited about our first Christmas as a married couple. Stephanie has our home beautifully decorated … presents are wrapped … plans are made for Christmas Eve and for the 25th as well. Imagine in your mind Stephanie and me standing close together arm and arm with both of us waving at you warmly calling out to you, “Merry Christmas … God bless you … We love you … and we wish you a Happy New Year!!” Eric Murphy Executive Director Life Impact For Eternity 3984 Manatee Avenue East Bradenton, Florida 34208
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Eric Murphy
February 2022
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