--Change is Normal --Reports from Montenegro & Romania --How is Lynne? CHANGE IS NORMAL Most people do not like “change”, but, it is inevitable at times. Therefore, I like to say that change is normal. 24 years living in Hungary … that’s quite a feat. But, I had to make a change. Why? First, you know that Lynne has battled MS for 20 years and she is much worse. Next, Hungarian laws are taking effect on the first day of the coming year that virtually prevents me from living there. Truth is, both of these situations bring about change … a move back to the States. Retiring? Are you kidding?!! No, not at all. Not only do I need to be closer to Lynne to encourage her I also need to schedule meetings in churches to promote our mission as well as recruit new missionaries. Life Impact For Eternity is growing … more missionaries are needed. LIFE needs groups to go to the field to teach English or minister in sports evangelism. Fortunately, I can continue mentoring those who are on the field through the Internet, Skype and emails. Modern technology makes this possible. Still, there is the need to have face-to-face contact and discipleship as well as opportunities for evangelism. So, trips are planned to return to Europe so that I can be on the field to accomplish these purposes. Actually, I am quite excited about this. God is at work in all of these things. So, when I was in Europe this summer I spent time in Hungary packing our things as well as doing evangelism in Romania … back and forth … 3 or 4 days in Romania, then, driving back to Budapest for the rest of the week to pack. I did this for five weeks and much was accomplished. Then, in September a container was loaded to ship some of our things back to the States. We wanted to help others so many things were donated to missionaries there. The container arrived in three weeks after loading. Let me say, it’s been a busy time. [NOTE: If you go to visit Lynne please do not talk about me moving back to the States. Sounds strange? Well, MS has affected her mind somewhat and this news would be difficult for her in many ways. She does not need this stress. She would fret about what I did with our furniture or her things. Last year I told her that I will organize a container to bring over some of her things to put in her room at Greystone … a cabinet containing her porcelain and some oil paintings that she loves. It would cause her to worry … day in our day out … making her condition worse. This has been an unusual stress for me, but, I do not want to burden poor Lynne with this. During the past 12 months I have been stateside with Lynne for 7 to 8 months, so, my presence now is not a surprise for her. This has been one of the most difficult things in my life to do. If you have questions feel free to email me. I trust that you will understand.] Need: We have received $2,800 to pay for the container leaving a balance of $4050 that needs to be paid. If you can help please see the address at the end of this Update … please kindly consider helping us with this need today. In advance, thank you. REPORTS FROM MONTENEGRO AND ROMANIA Jim Compton was in Montenegro last month meeting with two of our national missionaries there, Sasha and Kristina. Jim is gifted in behind the scenes ministry. I underscore and highlight the importance of this type of ministry. Our eyes note the incredible results of the youth camp ministry and our hearts rejoice at the numbers that receive Christ. But, let me tell you, all of this would not be possible without someone laboring for the Lord behind the scenes … organizing, counseling, advising, negotiating and much more … much more. There are Bible studies and discipleship meetings being held in Niksic, Montenegro. I was looking at a picture on Facebook and noted that Igor [EE-GORE] was in attendance. My heart was pounding … I was thrilled to see this. He is one of the first guys that I connected with in 2007 when I started Camp Monty. Wonderful! In Romania, one of our partners, Jimmy DeYoung Jr. was teaching pastors and church leaders in early October. Jimmy Jr. has been serving at Camp Monty since 2008 using his sports skills and speaking ability to reach a lot of young athletes. I am very happy to see God using Jimmy Jr. in Romania as well teaching Biblical Prophecy as well as teaching people how to interpret Scripture and how to study God’s Word. Not to criticize Romanians at all, but, there is a great need for this. God is using him mightily and it’s great to see that a “chip on the ol’ block” [he is the son of one of America’s most famous Bible teachers, Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Sr.] is busy serving God. Jimmy Jr. has a younger brother, Rick, who is leading Camp Monty together with Jim Compton. I thank God for these men, partners in the ministry, serving together with us. Another ministry at LIFE Romania is Men’s Retreats … what a great retreat they had about two weeks ago in the mountains of Romania at Sinaia. Director Iulian Avramescu raves about the response which includes men being excited about Bible study, praying together and encouraging one another. We are thankful for all those who make this ministry possible. HOW IS LYNNE? One word … worse … pain issues are horrific. She recently received a major upgrade in pain medication, so, pray that it will be effective. At some point, the Lord will call her to be with Him in heaven. Of course, I have no idea when that will be, but, it seems to be closer that than ever before. Yet, God is using Lynne in the lives of so many people. There are so many stories that I could tell and there probably many more stories that I have not heard. God is at work and I rejoice in this. There is a comfort in knowing that God uses every event in our lives for a purpose. Thank you for your prayers in Lynne’s behalf. Eric Murphy Executive Director, Life Impact For Eternity [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] ADDRESS FOR DONATIONS: Life Impact For Eternity, 3984 Manatee Avenue East, Bradenton FL 34208
Eric Murphy
February 2022
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