... super group of adults and teens ... Bryan Nelson is an awesome leader. More than 20 young people came to Christ during that week.
This week we are in Targoviste, Romania, 90 minutes northwest of the capital city, Bucharest. So far 27 have made life changing decisions. Pray as there are about 10 to 12 more teens who are considering what to do whether to accept God's love or reject Him. Of course, it is their choice, but, we hope that they will make a positive decision. The counselors are doing great and the staff is superior. Four of Iulian's young staff have completed at least one year at the Word of Life Hungary Bible Institute that was started under my ministry in 1994. In fact, this is how I met Iulian in 2001 when he came to us as a student. Some of them will return for another year of study along with Emanuela Petrescu, a counselor, who will attend this September. Adrian Dinu graduated in May, so, he is already full time on Iulian's staff. Iulian's team is growing! Some Texans are here this week with Phil Doane and Nathan Randel. Nathan is serving as a member of Iulian's Advisory Group which is based in Dallas, Texas. Children will be attending next week's camp here in Targoviste and we can hardly wait for them to come. They have so much enthusiasm! I love to speak to children. Come to think of it I love to speak to teens. Well, I love college age as well. Adults too. Seniors too. Needless to say, I am having a fabulous time speaking to the youth and to the counselors and staff in special sessions with them. Stephanie came to me after watching 20+ teens come to Christ on Tuesday night this week telling me that God has touched her heart as she watched these young people and watched me speak. Would you believe that the first time that Stephanie ever heard me speak was last week in Cluj? It's true! Why am I telling you this? She agreed to serve God with me when I proposed to her on March 21. She really meant what she said because I can see that her heart is here and she loves to be with me wherever God sends me to serve. It's not just me who is serving because she is finding her place to serve as well. This will only grow and grow as God is at work! Thank you for praying for us ... for our marriage ... for our ministry! God is answering your prayers in a big way! NOTICE SOMETHING NEW? Yes, we are using Mail Chimp to send the Eric Murphy Update. You are receiving this because you have been receiving the Update earlier. Why did we change? It's easier to send as it took five days to send it like I used to do via direct email. There was a limit of how many I could send each day with the old method. With Mail Chimp I can write an Update and send it to everyone on the list with one click saving me time. Plus, we hope to add some photos and videos in the future. Links to special reports or to our website can be used enhancing communication and involvement. Stay tuned for the next report. God bless you!! Eric and Stephanie Murphy P. S. You might enjoy the following story from Iulian ... Eco is a 17 year old orphan kid who is the “boss” over the orphanage where he lives and also over all the orphans in Lipova, Romania. He came during our 2nd week of camp and from the first moment I saw him I knew that he is going to be trouble. This proved to be true. He was smoking in the room in front of the other campers as well as criticizing all of our staff using profane words and he didn’t want to listen to any of our conduct rules. Literally, it was only Mondayand I was already tired like never before, emotionally exhausted. I got down on my knees and started to pray: God, it’s only the 2nd week of camp, it’s only Monday, and I don't know what to do ... What do You want me to do? Do you want me to send this kid back “home”? How can we teach the kids about You, if Eco ruins our program? Please, tell me what to do?! Tuesday mornings we have the leaders devotionals and George (our cook whom some of you already know) grew up in an orphanage and he shared some great wisdom with us. You see, in the orphanages it’s not the social worker who is the “boss” but actually the biggest and strongest kid. George's advice was for all of us to focus on wining Eco to Christ and that will help us win the whole group. WOW, it was like the light came on! You see, Eco was just missing attention trying to get it by beating all the kids and making a mess out of everything. So, here we go, all our counselors and staff started praying hard for Eco loving him like never before. The result came much faster than we expected. Tuesday night before I preached I asked George (the guy who also grew up in an orphanage) to share his testimony and talk about his fears. It was not even half way through it and Eco was crying like a big baby ... I could not believe my eyes ... That night Eco prayed to receive Jesus into his heart and because of his testimony all the kids followed him. Of course, all our counselors spent one on one time with each camper to make sure they understood what they just did and what should be their main motivation. The 3rd week Eco came 4 out of 5 days to visit us, which is a 10 km (about 6.5 miles) distance from his “house” (one way) because his life was forever changed. He helped us organize the games for the kids and kept the chapel quiet so we can do our program. That 3rd week we had another “boss” from another orphanage trying to make fun of Eco that he become a repenter (that’s what the believers are called in Romania, but Eco was quick to close his "big mouth" by saying: “I am not a repenter, I am a follower of Christ now!” This is a testimony of God’s redemptive power and grace that shows that when wisdom and love are applied the results can be spectacular!
Eric Murphy
February 2022
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