The Real Deal
by Eric Well, maybe this headline sounds very upbeat and your curiosity is piqued, but, this new wheelchair for Lynne is the real deal. What a great help for Lynne. You may recall that she has major pain issues with her lower spine. The wheelchair back has two handles with levers that can be used to lower or raise Lynne’s upper torso to relieve pain. It can be lowered to 180 degrees [laying her back flat and the leg rests can be raised just like she is lying in bed] or raised to 90 degrees [like a chair position]. Just thought you would like to rejoice with us that this wheelchair is the real deal … a lifesaver for Lynne. Thank you for continuing to pray for Lynne. It is so interesting that the ministry is booming … growing and God is blessing. On the other hand, poor Lynne is struggling and her situation slowly becomes worse. With a sincere heart I believe that God is at work on both fronts. God is using Lynne’s situation in the lives of so many people. This is not easy for her to see because she is the one suffering. I tell her often what this person said or what that person told me … how God is using Lynne in their lives. God is at work. And, you are at work with your prayers for Lynne. Thank you very, very much for praying. November 17, 2012 NEEDS by Eric Probably you notice that we do not share a long needs list in every Update. Certainly, there are needs in a growing ministry … take a look at the following to consider what you can do to help. –The Murphys need $1,550.00 monthly support –9 Passenger Ministry Van to use in Europe $28,000 –Keyboard & Sound System for stateside ministry $8,500 –Display for church meetings & conferences for stateside ministry $3,000 Partner with us regarding these needs by sending your check to: Life Impact For Eternity 3984 Manatee Avenue East Bradenton FL 34208. Thank you for considering these needs. November 17, 2012 LIFE ROMANIA IS ALIVE AND WELL by Eric Our international staff will be together in Lugoj, Romania, close to Timisoara, for a Prophecy Conference with Jimmy DeYoung Jr. speaking. Close to 100 pastors, church leaders and lay people will listen to one of America’s finest speakers … a teacher on Biblical Prophecy following the path of Jimmy DeYoung Sr., the world’s leading authority on Prophecy. Jimmy Jr. has been leading tours to the Holy Land for several years as well as speaking at Prophecy Conferences all across the United States. It is a great privilege for LIFE to have Jimmy Jr. and his brother, Rick DeYoung, partnering with us in Montenegro at Camp Monty and in Romania. December 6-8, 2012 … stay tuned for an exciting report next month. We count on your prayers for this important meeting because theological positions in Europe are all over the map. There is a great need to for sound Bible teaching as well as training on how to interpret the Scriptures. Yes, LIFE Romania is alive & well. For example, the team there held another Soccer Rally seeing six athletes come to Christ. This rally was held in the capital city of Bucharest. Soccer is very popular there which provides great opportunities for us to bring together teams for competition and to present the story of God’s love for them. Just a few days ago, Field Director, Iulian Avramescu, met with 24 young men at a Men’s Retreat in Sinaia, Romania, close to Brasov, in the Carpathian Mountains. Sinaia is a charming tourist town perched on the side of a mountain. It’s more than a mile long providing plenty of exercise … you are either walking up or you are walking down as you traverse this city. There is a lift to go to the top of one of the mountains for a spectacular view, yet, there are plenty of trails winding up the mountain. These men enjoyed getting on some of these mountain trails. There are reports that the Bible studies were mountain top experiences as well. Only eternity will reveal what will happen in the lives of these men as a result of the teaching and the fellowship with the LIFE Romania team. November 17, 2012 FIRST TIME EVER by Eric The first International Staff Conference for Life Impact For Eternity will be held in Sistarovat, Romania on December 10, 2012. Missionaries serving with Camp Monty in Montenegro and Camp MIA in Romania will come together for prayer, planning and fellowship. Everyone is excited about this initial meeting. Pray that we will get to know each other much better and lay a foundation for future growth. November 17, 2012 CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR LYNNE by Eric I would be remiss not to ask you to continue to pray for Lynne. Probably, you are saying that you don’t even need a reminder and that you are already praying for her. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. She is getting worse, sorry to say. Pain issues, MS is attacking her spine and her brain at times, weakness, fatigue, left knee, both ankles and more … getting worse. Once again, thank you for praying. September 9, 2012 ROMANIA, ROMANIA by Eric Speaking of being excited, let’s talk about Romania. In July I sent two updates about Camp MIA regarding the two weeks of camp that I was there to speak. It was fantastic, not only in the first two weeks, but, in the final two weeks of camp there. More than 230 came to Christ. Our Field Director, Iulian Avramescu is a skilled speaker and the Romanian youth really respond to him. Not only to him, but, to his fine staff as well. Excited? Yes, I am! I encourage you to become excited about LIFE ROMANIA, a ministry of Life Impact For Eternity. Plans for the fall … a Leadership Conference and a Sports Rally in October … a Prophecy Conference with Jimmy DeYoung Jr. in December … a winter camp … follow-up meetings with campers … they are creating quite a buzz there. September 9, 2012 FUTURE OF CAMP MONTY by Eric Rick DeYoung and Jim Compton will continue in their roles of leadership directing Camp Monty? Me? I will still be involved making trips there hanging out with young people and building relationships with city leaders and parents. I will be a resource to Rick and Jim. They are doing a great job, so, let them lead. I’m quite excited about it. I want you to be excited about this too. September 9, 2012 CAMP MONTY FOLLOW UP by Eric Nearly everyone asks us what kind of follow-up we are doing with all of these young people. If you will be honest, this is a flash point situation for your own church. It’s not easy and the laborers are few. So, here’s the scoop … a Bible study was started by a young Montenegrin girl who received Christ at Camp Monty 2008. Isn’t that great? She is doing this with a Serbian guy who is there on a mission to reach college students. He’s a great guy and has been very involved with Camp Monty for a few years. There was a good attendance at the first meeting and they are trying to decide on how to proceed with this group in the future. Da Da [her nickname] is a senior in high school now. Maybe she will do with girl campers through her school or maybe Daniejl Petkovski will add them to his Bible study for his college students and Da Da will help. Pray for this. We do have some sharp guys who want to learn more about the Bible. Jim Compton is taking a group over during the first week in September to do follow-up and some evangelism. They will connect with these sharp guys; attend the Bible study and more. In this group there will be a pastor, a worship leader and two couples are praying about moving to Montenegro to help with the follow-up and evangelism. Pray for this important trip as these people are praying about what God would have them to do. Mark this down as a critically important prayer request. September 9, 2012 CAMP MONYTY 2012 - BEST EVER! by Eric Flashback: 2007 First Camp Monty … Day One … 1 camper … Day Two … 2 campers … Day Three … 8 campers … Day Four 19 campers with 7 receiving Christ … Day Five ...32 campers Back to the Present: More than 300 at the final evening meeting with Jimmy DeYoung Jr. speaking … 200 came to Christ! [No, this is not a typo.] After the meeting there were intensive conversations with 30 of the campers about their relationship with Christ that they are serious about their decisions. Well over 200 campers attending English language instruction, soccer camp, basketball camp and a demonstration of American baseball [around 60 coming to play baseball on the second day of baseball instruction]. Amazing! Best ever? I think so. And, I wasn’t even there. It’s true. I wasn’t able to go. I was in Budapest writhing with pain in my back getting back treatments. Unfortunately, I hurt my back lifting Lynne from her bed to put her into her power chair or back into bed. Truth is … I hurt my back about 15 months ago helping Lynne and I kept making it worse until it really flared up on me early in July when I was in Romania at Camp MIA. Rick DeYoung was the Camp Monty Director—did an excellent job. Thanks, Rick! Jim Compton backed him up—also an excellent job. Thanks, Jim! Great staff … how blessed we are. I received daily reports and I kept thinking, “This is the best Camp Monty ever!” I am so happy to hear about what God did during that special week in Niksic, Montenegro. I am thrilled. September 9, 2012 CAMP MONTY PREPARATION by Eric Jim Compton and Rick DeYoung arrive on July 14. They will load up camp supplies and sports equipment in a rental van and head off to Niksic, Montenegro to get ready for Camp Monty. So, next week is Camp Monty Prep Week. Me? Either I’ll hang out in Budapest getting more treatment on my back for a few days or I will get treatment in Montenegro. The soccer coach that we partner with in Niksic is checking on this. He may find someone in sports medicine that can help me. So, I’m in a state of flux for a few days. I’ll keep you posted. That’s the latest! Can you believe what happened in Romania? By the way, Iulian Avramescu, missionary with Life Impact For Eternity, will conduct two more weeks of camp with teens age 15 and up coming next week. Continue to pray for Iulian and his team. A good friend of mine, Pastor Charlie Scalf from Johnson City, TN, will be the camp speaker.
Eric Murphy
February 2022
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