
The Beginning of LIFE
The Bible says Jesus came to give life. Not ordinary physical life. We have that already. He came to give spiritual life, eternal life, and abundant life that without him is impossible. Life Impact for Eternity is about sharing this incredible news with the entire world.
Reaching out Life Impact for Eternity was founded in 2004 by Eric Murphy, Lynne Murphy and Del Mohler with a mission to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the youth of Eastern Europe through summer camps and evangelistic programs year around. Today, Life Impact for Eternity is actively involved in Montenegro, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Costa Rica.
Our Passion for Planting Churches
Life Impact For Eternity focuses on church planting to encourage church planters. We do this in partnerships providing youth camps, encouraging and mentoring church planters and conducting evangelism. There is a serious need for more church planters in Montenegro where only a handful of small churches have been started in a country with a population of less than 700,000. Every Eastern European nation needs more church planters as there are many cities without a Gospel preaching church. Pray for this need and partner with us to help start more churches.
Our Passion for Youth Camps
Life Impact For Eternity uses sports and teaching English to bring young people together in youth camps. Dynamic coaches from the United States and other countries come to train athletes. People who have a talent or ability that they take for granted, that is, speaking English, can be used by God to effect change in young people’s lives on the mission field.
The Bible says Jesus came to give life. Not ordinary physical life. We have that already. He came to give spiritual life, eternal life, and abundant life that without him is impossible. Life Impact for Eternity is about sharing this incredible news with the entire world.
Reaching out Life Impact for Eternity was founded in 2004 by Eric Murphy, Lynne Murphy and Del Mohler with a mission to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the youth of Eastern Europe through summer camps and evangelistic programs year around. Today, Life Impact for Eternity is actively involved in Montenegro, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Costa Rica.
Our Passion for Planting Churches
Life Impact For Eternity focuses on church planting to encourage church planters. We do this in partnerships providing youth camps, encouraging and mentoring church planters and conducting evangelism. There is a serious need for more church planters in Montenegro where only a handful of small churches have been started in a country with a population of less than 700,000. Every Eastern European nation needs more church planters as there are many cities without a Gospel preaching church. Pray for this need and partner with us to help start more churches.
Our Passion for Youth Camps
Life Impact For Eternity uses sports and teaching English to bring young people together in youth camps. Dynamic coaches from the United States and other countries come to train athletes. People who have a talent or ability that they take for granted, that is, speaking English, can be used by God to effect change in young people’s lives on the mission field.
Eric Murphy "I have lived and served in Europe for more than 25 years. When we started our first youth camp in Hungary we used sports and teaching English as a way to draw young people together. We invited top sports coaches to give one or two weeks of their time to train athletes. We asked Americans to come over to teach English to young people who wanted to learn a second language. And, we needed skilled workers … carpenters, painters, plumbers, electricians, etc., to help us renovate our facilities. Quickly, we realized that a fantastic avenue of ministry was for families to come to from the States and other countries. The father helps with sports or teaches English while the mother teaches English. The older teens in the family helps with sports or with English while the younger children either participate in camp or play. Vacations with a purpose! Think about planning a life changing vacation with a purpose for your family. Today we have youth camps in Montenegro [formerly part of Yugoslavia] and in Romania. We will start one in Costa Rica in Central America in the near future."