Articles: —Teaching the Book of Hebrews --Eric and Stephanie: How Are We Doing? —What does your staff do when there is no youth camp? TEACHING THE BOOK OF HEBREWS Stephanie and I will travel on October 31 to Costa Rica where I will teach the Book of Hebrews at the Bible Institute Strom near Artenas, Costa Rica. You may recall that I spoke at Camp Britney in Costa Rica during January this year and last year. The director, Alonso Angulo, leads both the camp and the Bible Institute where the students serve as counselors at the camp. Pray for God’s blessing as I teach the great Book of Hebrews to these students. Can’t wait! During that time I will meet with LIFE Costa Rica director, Cristian Vidaechea, as we make plans for our youth camp to be held this coming January. We will minister in three churches in San Jose, the capital, while we are there. God is at work putting together the final details. Pray that God will give us wisdom and guidance as we prepare for this exciting new youth camp. ERIC AND STEPHANIE: HOW ARE WE DOING? Great! Absolutely great! Fantastic! By the time you will be reading this we will have been married for about four and one-half months. I was sharing with some friends that we have been focusing on building our relationship with a focus on prayer together and good communication. Stephanie loves to pray and she loves to listen to me pray. We have traveled to some of our supporting churches and have met with some of the individuals who support our ministry. She has been well received and people seem to be so happy with how happy we are. People are blessed with our story how that both of us suffered so much with the loss of our mates and how God put us together. This is great! We desire to encourage people with our example. So many marriages are struggling because of one reason or another. God is putting smiles on faces through our marriage because people love a good story, a happy story. Both of our mates suffered so much before their deaths. It was hard for both of us to watch this and we both suffered grief. Yet, God, in His supreme goodness, has given us to each other to build each other up. We have a deep respect for each other as we know what we both have been through. Both of us give praise to God for helping us through the difficult times and we happily tell others how good God has been to us through the hard times. Now, we are gladly sharing the good hand of God how happy we are with each other and in Him. It’s a great story and God receives the glory. Some people ask Stephanie how she is handling this change in her life joining me in the mission to disadvantaged young people. She admits that it is a big change, but, that she enjoys this very much and she is finding her place in various ways. Her experience as a counselor is being utilized and she loves to share with small groups or one on one. Her role as an encourager to me is highly esteemed by me. I am grateful to God for her encouragement. Yes, she is truly “with me” in what God has placed upon my heart to reach out to young people. WHAT DOES YOUR STAFF DO WHEN THERE IS NO YOUTH CAMP? Good question and thanks for asking. Iulian Avramescu is building up young adults which include his staff, camp counselors and others. He does this through sessions at a new training program that he started called MIA University. I spoke of this last month in the Update. He is preparing for Champions Weekend in November where he brings together a sizable group of young men, teens and guys in their 20s and 30s, for a special weekend meeting using sports, speaking sessions and group discussions. These young men eat this up! Men sharing with younger men. Not only this, but, he and his team organize Sports Tournaments in various cities in Romania to re-connect with campers as well as do evangelism. In fact, two were held in Romania this month in Sighisoara [two decisions] and another one near the Black Sea where some Turkish refugees live [30 decisions]. All of his team are involved with follow-up and I can tell you that they are making much progress in this area. They are having great results doing discipleship with the campers who received Christ during the youth camps. Oh yes, they are gearing up for their Winter Camp, December 28-January 2. There is much to do “behind the scenes” to prepare for such events and to follow-up with those who make decisions. In Montenegro we now have the Niksic Youth Center [NYC] in a partnership with Danijel Petkovski who serves with Inter Varsity Ministries. Danijel, 32, is intimately involved with Camp Monty and our staff member, Sasa Olah, 22, is helping Danijel with the university student meetings that are held at the NYC and Danijel helps Sasa with the teen meetings with campers who have attended Camp Monty. This partnership is working quite well and we are seeing great results in the lives of these campers. Several of them are becoming leaders at Camp Monty and will be building blocks for the future. My point is that there is a lot happening right now in both countries. Thrills my heart! Hope it thrills your heart as well! Join us in prayer for God to work mightily in the lives of these young men as they lead these ministries. My task is to mentor them as well as encourage them. Yes, I love what I am doing and Stephanie is right with me in all of these ventures! It is quite an adventure for both of us. Thank you for praying for us. Eric Murphy Executive Director www.lifeimpactforeternity.org OFFICE FOR DONATIONS: Life Impact For Eternity 3984 Manatee Avenue East Bradenton, FL 34208
ARTICLES: —Camp Monty 2015 —MIA University/School —What’s Happening This Fall CAMP MONTY 2015 Around 50 salvation decisions! Another incredible Camp Monty was enjoyed by Montenegrin youth again this summer in July. One of the exciting developments is that some of the young people who have attended Camp Monty in the past are helping with the camp program. It is wonderful to see our work there bearing fruit. The Niksic Youth Center that we started in the spring partnering with the ministry of Danijel Petkovski is hosting meetings for teens from Camp Monty as well as college students from Danijel’s student ministry at the university. Sasa Olah, our staff member at LIFE Montenegro, is involved with both ministries. We are thrilled that a discipleship and follow-up ministry is being done through the NYC. Pray for these meetings each week. Check this link for a brand new video that Jim Compton organized using the skills of Ben Foster, pro videographer, who attended Camp Monty this year. Maybe your church would like to get in on the action in Montenegro. http://youtu.be/KIImXd6M1k0 MIA UNIVERSITY/SCHOOL A dream deep in the heart of LIFE Romania Director, Iulian Avramescu, is to educate his young staff, camp counselors and other aspiring young adults. He calls this MIA University which works in partnership with a couple of Christian universities in the States. Guest lecturers and pastors come to teach modular courses with classes up to eight hours a day for five to six days in a week. These are held every two or three months. The first one was met with much excitement from 25 young adults who listened to the teaching ministry of Jimmy DeYoung Jr. and Dr. Heath Marion, both from Texas, during the last week in August. Exhausted, yet happy students, were raving about the studies. Perhaps the one who was the most tired that week was Iulian who translated eight hours a day plus handling questions from the students before and after the sessions. MIA U came after the heels of Camp MIA which featured eight weeks of youth camps this summer. Stephanie and I were there for four of those weeks. What a blessing it was! Hopefully, we can be at one of the next sessions set for April 9-16, 2016. Pray that we can organize outstanding speakers to travel to Romania to teach. Iulian and Roxana’s staff have SO much potential. If you can help sponsor these students please get in touch with me. Your investment can make a huge difference in their lives. WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS FALL? Introducing Stephanie to some supporting churches and individuals this month is a present focus for us. Plus, it gives me an opportunity to give a report and update about the ministry and ask certain churches to consider organizing to come to serve on one of our fields next year. We were in two churches in Charleston, West Virginia as well as three churches in Florida. Hang on, we have many more that we need to visit. Hopefully, we can meet more this fall and winter as well as into the next year. In November, we travel to Costa Rica where I will teach the Book of Hebrews at IBS, Institute Bible Strom. I spoke the last two years at the youth camp that they conduct each January, Camp Brittney. The Bible Institute students are the counselors for these camps. It will be a joy to serve with Alonso Angulo, Director. Pray as I teach there three of the four weeks in November. Hopefully, we can see the location for our youth camp planned for LIFE Costa Rica,January 18-22, 2016. Pray as LIFE Costa Rica Director, Cristian Vidaechea, is organizing volunteer camp staff. The camp site is beautiful as I have seen pictures. If you would like to support this camp by providing a scholarship for needy campers we need $100 per camper. Pray that God will abundantly bless this youth camp! Thank you very much for your faithful prayers and financial support. Please pray that there will be special gifts to help with our mission account which is in need of donations. We are grateful to partner together with you to be your outreach to disadvantaged young people who need God’s love. Eric Murphy Executive Director www.lifeimpactforeternity.org Office for Financial Contributions: Life Impact For Eternity 3984 Manatee Avenue East Bradenton FL 34208 |
Eric Murphy
February 2022
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